The human body is an amazing machine, but the most amazing organ in the body is the brain. The human brain processes images that the eyes sends it in a way that’s similar to how a computer processes data. However, no machine can ever compete with the marvel of our brains. In fact, scientists are continuously discovering new information about the brain and the more we learn, the more mysterious it seems. When our brains work with our eyes, it’s almost magical, but it’s actually a complex process that happens before you can blink (put totally intended). But how do our brains decipher mixed up code and letters?
If you’re one of the few people who can read backward, upside down, and mixed up words, you’re part of a phenomenon called typoglycemia, which is a neologism for a recent discovery about supposed cognitive processes that are involved in reading written text or words. What’s actually happening is that the light from the external sources go through the cornea and gets refracted by the lens, which then forms an image on the retina. Because of how this works, our eyes actually see everything upside down. If you started wearing glasses that made everything appear to be upside down, your eyes would eventually adjust so that things would appear right side up. The human body is an amazing machine.