When a man or woman goes to war, the family they leave behind is left to worry and to make life work without them. They say that the only person who is more afraid for a soldier’s life than the soldier is his wife and his mother. When a man decides to serve his country, he knows what he’s signing up for and he does it willingly and with a sense of valor. However, his wife doesn’t sign up for the job. With that said, most military wives wouldn’t trade their lives for anyone else’s life. After all, they are spending their lives with real-life heroes. When their loved ones get on those planes or those ships, there’s always a chance they won’t make it home.
There are some things in life that most married couples can take for granted. Little things that make the mundane life of every day a little more special. One of those things is being able to surprise our husbands by saying “We’re having a baby!” When a woman finds out she’s pregnant, she usually can’t wait to share the news. Can you even imagine delivering this news via an email or phone call? A Navy wife named Natosha Daughtery said that this wouldn’t work for her, either. She and her husband Chris weren’t planning another child, but when he came home on leave, it just happened, as these things often do.
A week after Chris deployed, Natosha found out she was going to have another child. She thought about sharing the news with Chris but decided to surprise him in person instead. The thing is, he was deployed in the North Korea area and she worried that something might happen to him and he’d die never knowing that they were expecting another baby, but she stuck to her decision nevertheless. Throughout the long months while Chris was gone, she was careful with the photos she sent so that she didn’t show her tummy. When she met him at the dock when he disembarked, she was holding a sign that said, “Welcome home, baby daddy!”

When she dropped the sign, the first thing Chris saw was his wife’s 7 1/2 month pregnant belly. To say the least, he was astonished. He asked, “Is that real?” Yep, it was real. Watch this touching video below. What a beautiful homecoming gift for a brave Navy seaman.