As a cat lover myself, I can honestly say that cat lovers think all cats are beautiful. Cats are independent, intelligent creatures and they fascinate us not only with their beauty but also with their unique behavior. Every single cat seems to have its own individual personality and cat lovers are a devoted group of people. However, even those of us who love all cats know a rare beauty when we see it. Occasionally a cat is born that is so unbelievably stunning that it captures the attention of people all over the world, even people who aren’t nuts about cats. And having said that, I’d like to invite you to meet Narnia, the beautiful two-faced cat.
Narnia doesn’t really have two faces, of course. “Two-faced” has negative connotations. When we think of a two-faced person, we typically think of someone who can’t be trusted. However, when you hear the term “two-faced cat,” it refers to a cat that is born with the genetic trait of chimerism. Such a cat is called a chimera. Narnia was born with grey fur on one side of her face and black fur on the other side of her face. Her body is mostly black with a few white spots on her ruff, hind paw, and chin. In terms of genealogy, Narnia’s mother is a British Blue short-haired cat and her father is a tabby who is partly red with turquoise eyes, which is unusual in itself.
Narnia’s daddy is a direct descendant of cats who are being bred by the British Celestia project, four breeders who are working to produce colored cats that have blue eyes.
A chimera cat mutation happens when two embryos or two fertilized eggs fuse together with their own individual DNA. Other famous cats include Venus, an American cat, plus there is the gorgeous cat from Argentina named Quimera. While Venus and Quimera have different colored eyes (called “odd-eyed cats”), Narnia’s eyes are bright blue, but they’ve gotten darker as she’s grown older.
As of January 2018, Narnia is officially a professional model. She has competed in her first cat show, The Paris Animal Show.
Narnia was born in France to a breeder named Stephanie Jimenez. When she saw Narnia for the first time, she fell in love with her. Who wouldn’t?
Since then, not only have Narnia’s photos gone viral, but she has a verified Instagram account. You can visit her there and give her a follow. When you do that, you’ll be like me and have her gorgeous photos coming through your Instagram feed every single day! Narnia also has a popular YouTube channel where you can follow her many adventures.
Image: Instagram