Did you ever have somebody point out something that was right in front of your face and you didn’t see it? You might be surprised by how quickly it happens.
The human brain is a mysterious thing. We take in information all day long, usually through our eyes but we may also use our other senses as well. That information is then given to the brain where it sorts things out and decides what we need to do next.
The problem is, we are only able to send so much information to the brain at any given time because it does have a limited processing ability. That is why we are designed to look at something and only see what is on the surface rather than actually seeing all of the details.
That leads us to this interesting picture. It shows some catkins hanging from tree branches. These are a rather interesting type of flower and it allows the tree to reproduce.
On the surface, it may not seem like there is anything wrong with the picture but can you figure it out? Take a close look and if you can’t see what is wrong, you can always check the next page.