Are you somebody that enjoys doing puzzles? Many people do, not only because it helps to pass the time but also because it gives them the opportunity to figure something out and feel good about themselves.
The Internet has really opened up an opportunity for puzzles to be done in ways that they have never been done before. In some cases, it may be a matter of trying to piece something together and in others, it’s trying to pick something apart.
In the pictures that we have for you below, I think it is a combination of both of those factors. You really need to pick apart the picture to find out what is wrong but you also need to piece things together to ensure that you are figuring it out properly.
Look at each of the following three pictures and see if you can figure it out on your own. If you can’t, check the next page for the solution.
1. There is more than one thing wrong in this picture. Can you find them?
2. Something is seriously wrong. In fact, multiple things are wrong.
3. It may look like fun but there are three things going on in this picture that need correcting.