The value of good problem-solving skills can never be overstated. One of my favorite shows from a few years back was a show called Mcguyver. For those unfamiliar with that Richard Dean Anderson’s masterpiece, the premise was pretty simple. Macgyver was a secrete agent of sorts who averted disasters around the world without the use of a gun. Instead, whenever he would find himself in sticky situations, he would use science to escape or turn the tables on the bad guys. Finding ways to exercise your mind can also stave off the negative effects of certain brain-related illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Problem-solving is also a great way of relieving stress and avoiding it as well. Training your mind to look at problems via a problem-solving methodology is a lot more productive than running around screaming at the sky.
Now, the following series of problems might seem pretty easy at first, but they get a tricker as you go through them. But, then again, it wouldn’t be much fun otherwise, right? Don’t worry, just take your time and you’ll see the answers clearly if you mull things over a bit. It’s said that those who can complete this quiz and answer all the questions correctly have IQs of 153 or better. See how many you can solve.