Puzzles and quizzes are tons of fun, but one reason human beings enjoy doing them is that our brains love a challenge. When you do any sort of puzzle or solve a problem, you’re also working your brain, much the same way going to the gym exercises your body. Doing the right kinds of puzzles can give your brain a genuinely beneficial workout and we all need that sometimes. When it comes to being able to read scrambled up words, you’re working a puzzle that’s using typoglycemia, which is a neologism for something scientists have recently discovered. They are purported cognitive processes that are involved in reading text or the written word.
The principle suggests that some readers can read and comprehend text despite the words being unintelligible to other people. As it turns out, not all urban legends are true, but this one is. When your brain responds to the arrangement of letters or words, what it’s doing is deciphering every word subconsciously and lighting fast. This works because our brains anticipate things we will see, hear, and feel next. So if you can decipher this puzzle below, you may be highly gifted.