How good are you at doing puzzles? If you are like most people, you can do them when you have the chance but you might not consider yourself to be a pro at it.
Then again, there are some people out there that do puzzles every day. They might sit at a table for hours putting together a jigsaw puzzle of perhaps they have a puzzle book with them at all times.
When you stop to think about it, puzzles provide some very interesting benefits. They keep us active and interested, allowing our brains to keep working at top level. In addition, there is nothing quite like solving a puzzle.
Consider the following image. You might not think much of it at first but when you study it, you will see that there are many thing in it. That includes something you are not going to see at first.
Hidden somewhere in the picture is a banana. Can you find it? It takes some people a long time to find the banana and some people never find it.
Try to find the hidden banana and if needed, check the next page to see where it is hiding.