Do you enjoy doing puzzles? I think most of us enjoy them to some extent or another but some people go absolutely crazy for a good puzzle.
I don’t think that it’s because they enjoy being frustrated, otherwise they wouldn’t do them. It’s the challenge it presents, along with helping to keep your mind occupied and there is even some benefit we feel what we are able to solve one.
Perhaps that is what makes the following pictures so interesting. What is it that you see when you look at the picture?
If you are like most people, you would automatically say that you see a frog. That’s understandable because it looks like there is a frog right in the middle of the picture and there is no denying it.
If you look a little closer, however, you begin to understand why we consider this to be an ingenious puzzle. There may be a frog, but there is something else hiding and almost nobody can see it.
Try to find what is hiding in the picture and then check the next page for the solution.