You don’t have to look very far to find somebody who needs assistance. In fact, we may see them on a day-to-day basis but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we recognize just how much assistance they need. If you keep your eyes open, however, you are often given opportunities to do more than see somebody that needs help, you have the chance to provide it. It may not be the easiest thing to do and at times, you may need to step outside of your comfort zone, but it helps everyone involved. That becomes obvious in the following fictional story.
(I am 27 weeks pregnant and starting to have contractions. I am on the bus on my way to the hospital. The driver is aware of this. I pull the buzzer to get off the bus and start walking to the door.)
Driver: *to me* “You sit back down!” *to the rest of the bus* “Is anyone going to need any of the next four stops? Because if so, I suggest you get off now, as we are detouring!”
(The driver then takes us directly to the hospital. He stops the bus, gets out of his seat, walks me down the steps, and into the hospital! The next day I am still in the hospital. I call up the transit office.)
Me: “Hi, yes. I was on bus [number] yesterday evening and the driver detoured from his route for me. I just wanted to make sure he is not in trouble. Because of him, they were able to save the life of my unborn son!”
Transit Employee: “No worries, miss. We only got one complaint from a passenger. The driver called us as soon as he got back with everyone on the bus. He has been given a commendation for his actions yesterday. Thank you for calling, and take care!”