As a parent whose kids are grown, I have regrets, as do all parents. I didn’t do everything perfectly, and I didn’t even come close to perfect. I just did my best and I kept them alive, so that’s something. They’ve grown up to be happy and productive young people, and that makes me happy. However, one thing I regret is that I worked so darned much. I just had to, to be honest. I was a single mom and I couldn’t slow down for even a minute if I wanted to pay our bills and make sure they had all that they needed. We rarely went on vacation, and their dad got to do the fun stuff with them. If I could go back, I’d save money like crazy for a year and take a week and take them to Disney World. I guess for now, that’s a goal to have for my grandchildren someday. I’m going to start the fund for that now! Enjoy this beautiful story below. Someone posted it to Facebook, but we can’t find the original source, just the screengrab of the post.
Ok, so here’s personal storytime.
I went to Disney World Magic Kingdom today wearing this pink and white sundress and my hair was in soft curls. My hair is sort of long, but you can’t really tell that from the picture.
Anyway, we were walking around for a little while, and then this mother walked up to me holding her daughter’s hand. At first, I kind of got nervous because I don’t just get randomly talked to on the norm. But then the mother kind of embarrassingly said “I don’t mean to bother you dear, but my daughter here has been asking me non stop since she’s seen you if you were Sleeping Beauty and if it’s your day off.”
Ok, now I do not look like any Disney Princess. So I assumed she only thought this because of my hair and dress (I would imagine if Sleeping Beauty were walking around Disney in the summertime on her day off she would wear a pink sundress. Or blue lol).
I looked down at the daughter, who was wearing a Sleeping Beauty kids dress and she was kind of hiding behind her mom and smiling. So instead of telling her no, this is what I did:
I bent down to my knees so I could be on her level and I said, “Oh Princess, you must have just woken up for behaving so silly. Obviously you are Princess Aurora, aren’t you?” I pointed to her dress. “It really is an honor to meet you. You’re my favorite Disney Princess.” By now she was giggling and moving out from behind her mom. “But I have to warn you. I heard that an evil sorceress is out to get you, so be careful. Make sure you be safe and stay away from spinning wheels!” I looked up at the girl’s mother who had the biggest smile on her face. “Ok Princess, you better get back to running the kingdom. And remember to always keep dreaming!” The girl then gave me a hug. When they were walking away the mother turned back to me and I noticed her eyes were watery. She mouthed “thank you”.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, gave me the most satisfying feeling I have ever had.
Image: Zichuan Han, Pexels