I’ve always jokingly said that there are two professions I could never do: being a pilot or a brain surgeon. The reason I’ve said this is that these are two professions that have no room for error. Most humans are error-prone, but the room for error can be greatly reduced by following something as simple as a checklist. Yes, really. Last year, I read a book called “The Checklist Manifesto.” The man who wrote it is a surgeon and he worked with several large world health organizations to develop a checklist for surgeries. His system was so successful that it has been transitioned for use in lots of other industries. One of the industries he studied when developing his surgical checklists was the airline industry. Over the years, airline executives and pilots have become very skilled at doing things well and it all comes down to a simple thing: a checklist. In the joke below, you’ll see how wrong things can go if these simple procedures are skipped. Enjoy this hilarious joke!
There is something that takes place before any airplane leaves the ground and it is something that often takes place behind closed doors. A checklist is reviewed that gives very specific information on what should be checked and what the results should be. It’s important for this to be considered because even a small error or problem with the plane could spell disaster for the pilot and for anybody else who happens to be on the flight. In this particular case, there was one check that was not included in the list. In the end, however, I’m sure the pilot wishes that it would have been!
John was told that a twin-engine plane would be waiting at the airport. Arriving at the airport he spotted a plane warming up outside the hanger. He jumped in, said let’s go. The pilot taxied and took off. Once in the air, John told the pilot: Fly low over the valley so I can take pictures of the fire on the hill
Pilot: Why?
John: Because I’m the photographer for a television show. I need to get some close-up shots.
The pilot was strangely silent for a moment, then he stammered So, what You’re telling me is . . . You’re not my flying instructor?
Life is Short…