A painting worth about $1 million was ruined after a museum security guard decided to draw a few eyes on the faceless figures in the artwork.
It was his first day on the job.

The security guards decided it would be funny to draw two pairs of eyes using a ballpoint pin onto an art piece called “Three Figures” by Anna Leporskaya produced between 1932-1934. The painting was exhibited in an abstract artwork exhibition hosted at the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Two visitors who were enjoying another exhibition at the center noticed the extra details reports Art Newspaper.
The unnamed security guard is said to be around 60-years-old, and was employed by a private security company, said the Yeltsin Center in a statement. The security said he became bored on his force day.
And yes, he’s since been fired.
The painting was on loan from the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moskow and was sent back the next day, where an art restorer inspected it.
The work is currently being restored, but an expert at the State Tretyakov Gallery says the damage can be fixed without damaging the artwork long-term.
Police have begun an investigation for the crime of vandalism, and it’s reported the company that hired the security guard is paying the restoration costs, which are said to be at $3,345 USD.
It’s unclear just how much the painting is worth, but it was insured for $1 million USD.
Meanwhile, many have voiced their opinion about the man’s actions, and few feel any sympathy for the artwork.
Many believe the art is way overpriced and that the security guard even improved it.
Meanwhile, a few people offered some art upgrade ideas of their own. Here are just a few.
You can also watch a video about this story below.
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