Elevators are interesting, aren’t they? What I mean is, they’re interesting when someone else is in the elevator with you. In an elevator, if someone else is there with you, you tend to stand there awkwardly as you reach silently around people to push the button you need. Conversations usually end, if you were having one before the other person got in. One reason for this is that you don’t have enough space. When we meet other people, we usually have an arm’s length of distance between them and us, and that’s not usually the case in an elevator. For this reason, it feels unnatural and awkward. If you’re a vulnerable person or feel vulnerable in any way, it can be anxiety-inducing. For example, as a woman who has often traveled alone, elevators can be intimidating when strange men enter. We don’t like being locked into a place with someone who we aren’t familiar with and comfortable with. The poor little guy in the joke below was probably already on his guard, but the big man’s odd worlds rattled him completely. Enjoy this hilarious joke.
An old little Irishman gets into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE guy standing next to him.
The big guy sees the old little Irishman staring at him, looks down and says,
“7 ft. tall, 350 pounds, 20-inch pen!s, 3 pounds of test!cles, Turner Brown”
The old little Irishman faints dead away and falls to the floor.
The big guy kneels down and brings him to by shaking him.
The big guy says,
“What’s wrong with you?”
In a weak voice, the old little guy says,
“What EXACTLY did you just say to me?”
The big dude says,
“Well, I saw your curious look and I figured I’d just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me. I’m 7 ft. tall, I weigh 350 pounds, I have a 20-inch pen!s, my test!cles weigh 3 pounds each, and my name is Turner Brown”
The old man says,
“Turner Brown? Sweet Jesus, I thought you said,
“Turn around!”