The funny thing about pregnancy is that for most women, we know our water is going to break. It could happen anywhere and at any time. But the fact remains that when it finally does happen, we’re shocked and surprised. I think we don’t realize, at least with our first pregnancy, that when it happens, you won’t realize it’s happened until the water starts running down your legs (or you wake up with a wet bed). In fact, many women wonder if they’ve had an accident instead of automatically thinking their water has broken. With that said, pregnant women go on about their lives as if nothing’s going to happen because they have to.
Another thing that happens is that when you near the end of your pregnancy, this “nesting instinct” kicks in, where you want everything to be clean and in order, prepared for your little one to enter your home. It’s really a thing. Women will be cleaning out drawers, closets, and all kinds of other things that they probably should have handled before the big day. The woman in the video below was cooking and doing some pretty heavy cleaning at the same time when she told her husband that she wanted to hear the song “No Ordinary Love.” He told her that she was too big to be standing up doing that cleaning, but she says, “Just play the song.”
When the song starts to play, the woman starts dancing and lip-synching like there’s no tomorrow. She actually gets really into it and her husband seems to be enjoying it as she goes into a dance that looks almost like erotic dancing, except she has a huge belly. To be clear, this lady has all the right moves, despite being very pregnant. At a couple of points, she even gets down pretty low and is basically twerking, and her husband really seems to be digging that. Then she starts swaying her hips and leaning against the counter, while her husband is conflicted between concerned and (again) really enjoying her dance.

But then suddenly, in the middle of a sexy twerk, she cries out. Her husband is alarmed and rushes over with the camera in hand, and we can see the floor, the ceiling, everything. Her husband said, I told you not to do that sh*t!”. Watch this hilarious video below.