Back when I was a kid, when someone much older had a romance with someone much younger, we called it a “May December Romance.” I’m not sure if relationships like this are still referred to as “May Decembers” or not, but there’s never been a shortage of relationships where one person is older than the other. What you usually see is much older men with younger women, but it’s not uncommon to see the situation reversed, where an older woman and a younger man fall in love with each other. The assumption is that is always about money, but that’s not necessarily true. The younger person may not be interested in the older person just so that they can profit from the relationship in some way. Love is a strange thing, and it’s entirely possible to love someone of any age. Typically, the expectation is that the older person won’t be able to keep up with the younger person in the intimacy department, but that, too, is a myth, which the joke below illustrates perfectly.
An 80-year-old millionaire becomes engaged to a beautiful 22-year-old model.
He goes to his doctor for a checkup a couple of weeks before the wedding date.
The doctor looks him over and says,
“Bill, you seem completely healthy but I must tell you one thing.”
“What’s that?” asks the millionaire.
“At your age, s*x can be dangerous, and you need to watch it, take care, it could be really deadly.” the doctor replies.
Bill thinks for a minute and then says,
“What the hell, if she dies, she dies.”