Have you ever heard the expression, ‘The hand is quicker than the eye’? Typically, it is applied to sleight-of-hand, which is a type of magic trick. We know what we are looking at when we are looking at it but sometimes, things take place so quickly or perhaps we are distracted accidentally or by choice and it keeps us from seeing what is really right in front of our very eyes. It can be frustrating, because we tend to trust what we see and we know that it is something that we can really rely on. After seeing the following image, however, you may begin to doubt what you see.
There is nothing quite like doing a good puzzle because they are enjoyable and it can really help to pass the time. Now we are dealing with the coronavirus, many people have started doing puzzles for that very purpose. It’s a necessary distraction and it really doesn’t matter if you are putting together a jigsaw puzzle or doing some crossword puzzles online, it gets the brain moving and it really helps us to forget about life for a while. Every puzzle is going to have benefits but sometimes, we have a puzzle, that we just know we can do very easily. Perhaps that is how you feel about the following image.
When you look at the image below, you will see a lot of snowmen but there is something else that is hiding in the background. It’s a panda, and if you’re able to spot it quickly, you are doing much better than most people who try.
This puzzle is difficult for many different reasons. Similar to a Where’s Waldo puzzle, it has plenty of things that will distract you from finding the solution. Once you actually see the panda, however, it’s impossible to not see it but before that time, you will just see one snowman after another.
Some people may try to find the panda in different ways and there are numerous ways that you could search the puzzle. Perhaps you are one of those individuals that goes row by row, either left or right or up or down. Other people just look at the entire puzzle and let their eyes wander until they find what they are looking for.
You might even get frustrated and wonder if there is actually a panda in the image! Believe me, it is there, you just need to take the time to find it.
If you are looking for the solution, you are about to see it in the image below. Just remember, once you see it, the game is over.
How did you do?