Have you ever had the opportunity to really put your foot in your mouth in the middle of a conversation? I think that most of us have been in that situation, and it tends to be one of the more uncomfortable things that can happen to us. Typically, we speak before we really think about what we are going to say and when all is said and done, we regret saying it. The problem is, once you say something, you can’t bring those words back again. That is exactly what happened in the following joke, and it is almost too real.
(I am in a recently opened restaurant. I overhear this conversation at the table next to me. At the table is a large family.)
Customer: “Has there ever been another restaurant in this building? The place looks so familiar.”
Waitress: “I do not know. The building has been vacant for many years.”
Customer: “I remember the stained glass windows and the spiral stairs. I am sure I have been here before.”
(Just then, another waiter passes the table.)
Waitress: “Do you know if there has ever been another restaurant in this place?”
Waiter: “No. Until they went out of business a few years ago this place was a brothel.”
(There was an awkward silence at the table.)